Ljubiša Jovanović, President
visit: www.bunt.rs
BUNT – Belgrade New Art Territory – was created in 2013 as a way of spontaneously expressing support for and celebrating high artistic values, professional accomplishments in the domain of music, and, broadly speaking, the civilizational achievements of the 21st century.
BUNT became a way of expressing the extent to which such artistic, professional, and civilizational values are neglected, and even threatened, in our country today.
BUNT offered artists the opportunity and the platform they deserve in order to work and to create.
BUNT is apolitical and not for profit. It depends wholly on the artistry and professionalism of participants, the good will of individuals, and the interest of the general public.
BUNT is an example of working differently – with enthusiasm and with respect for difference – and of holding professionalism and musical excellence as our only criteria.
Those who have gathered around BUNT understand the value of diversity – in styles, epochs, tendencies, ideas, and tastes – as an inherent aspect of music as an art form.
BUNT stands against a climate in which artists are exhausted by uncertainty, a climate in which expert organizers of musical events continue to be fewer and fewer. In Serbia today, be it in the capital city or elsewhere, there is no such thing as a planned musical repertoire. Many talented musicians who could participate in cultural and educational events were circumstances different find themselves losing their enthusiasm, their energy, their professional prospects, and their hope.
Music continues to be highly impacted by crises, politics, and poverty. More than anything, music is having to bend under the pressures of the conscious and/or unconscious neglect of everything that is of essence to the very existence of art.
This year, visual artists have joined BUNT.
The essence of BUNT lies in the desire to show that, despite their fragmentation, the creative arts still exist in Serbia today and that art simply cannot be extinguished.
BUNT is back. It continues.